Film Actors Agency is an initiative founded by actor-director Hugo Metsers, who, for years, has been active as coach for acmera-actors, and who has commited himself to the craft, the rights of actors, and their payments. The base is, that these extraordinary acting talents, who each have invested years into the development of their talent and are now busily working in the acting branche, don't have to think about the busines side of the co-operation. Due to the transparant method of the agency, they are however always informed about what is agreed upon, so that they can fully focus their energy onto putting an unforgettable performance in front of the camera. Filmactors out of all cardinal points exist, also in our country, and right now is the moment to let them shine, in a time that demands to show stories with high urgency and faces that show the world that we are not divided, but together and united.

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